Description A fan-based video company provides an online platform where their users can upload videos through their mobile phone while attending a public or private event (e.g. music concert, sport match, etc.). Those videos are curated into a new film out of all the uploaded video clips in an event. To extend their business, they intend to develop a new feature that is a brand/logo detection on the uploaded clips.

Description A company provides a service to analyze their clients’ documents and provides them with more insight into their data. They have the vision to eliminate manual laborious and repetitive tasks; hence, they want to automatically extract specific metrics from a set of documents. Those metrics are lying sporadically on the unstructured documents, which makes them challenging to be extracted; But, most of those metrics are often appears inside the tables of the documents. Thus, a project is set to identify tables on the unstructured documents.

Description A new business intends to provide online personal styling advice to enable their users to make more informed and sustainable shopping decisions. It is expected that the services will contribute towards the reduction of fashion waste as people only purchase what really suits them. The project is aimed at achieving two things: 1) Developing a system that provides style, color and brand advice to users, based on the characteristics (such as body shape, budget and color features) of the users. 2) Building an approach that can be used to classify users as having one of the different body shapes.

Description An online platform has developed a directed graph database of topics in math subject. Each of the topics is labelled with an associated difficulty level, and with dependencies between them determined through expert judgement. Treating these as hypothesised dependencies, the aim of the project is to find ways to collect and analyse data, generated through users’ use of the system, and to validate these dependencies between topics.

Description A configuration management solution software is a software that helps users understand and manage the configuration of complex software systems, including dependency analysis, reporting, transport, revision control and comparison. The project will aim to explore means of implementing interactive graph visualisation that will allow users to meaningfully and usefully interact with the graph. Both the visualisation from the point of view of the whole graph or a single item will be explored. The goal will be to allow users to decrease and increase the amount of detail shown based on their need by grouping items together using contextual grouping mechanisms that preserve the maximum amount of useful information while obscuring unnecessary detail. Also, the project may allow us to perform graph analysis or other machine learning techniques on the configuration.

Description An online resale platform enables users to buy and sell a second hand fashion items. The platform needs a tracing and tracking procedure to understand the lifecycle of the fashion items, and potentially an items recommendation for users when shopping. In this project, we design the provenance of an item as a basis for tracing and tracking procedure. With provenance of an item, it allows us to build a recommendation procedure based on historic information (collaborative-based) and/or description (content-based) of an item.

Description A start-up SME with a vision to tackle a global environmental problem by reducing carbon emissions is developing a smart appliance for storing and harnessing heat. To support them, a collaborative project is set with an aim to build an online dashboard that visualizes their consumers' information. The dashboard serves as a tool to connect the company with its potential consumers in a more engaging way. To achieve this, we will involve a social norm theory in the visualization on the dashboard.
To start with, we focus more on data collection through a set of questions in the form of a survey to understand how a house typically consumes electricity. Also, some public datasets will be used to build up assumptions (e.g. houses in the same postcode, etc.) in order to demonstrate a visualization in a dashboard. The dashboard will also aggregate the datasets from the house’s appliances (maybe from their thermostats or meters if available) and different sources of the datasets (e.g. weather, buildings, occupants, etc). This will then be evaluated/tested to engage with potential consumers.

Description A data-related project was set to understand the occupants behaviour toward electricity consumption. These occupants are the users of an SME in Devon that use its platform. By showing their behaviour on their own dashboard, will help them understand their electricity consumption and help them look at the prediction on the next consumption. This project will investigate several public datasets to demonstrate the visualization of the electricity consumption. Some datasets we consider are data about smart meters, energy performance certificates, properties characteristics, weather, etc. Here, the weather dataset can be provided by our partner the Met Office and the data collection and analysis part will be supported by the University of Exeter.
This project acts as a proof-of-concept and aims to explore potential ways to understand people's behaviour through data. Hence, the project comprises 4 elements: Data generator, Data Aggregator, Data Visualization, and Forecasting. At a start, we focus more on data collection and generation to understand some factors that affect electricity consumption. In essence, the generation of the synthetic data aims to demonstrate the use of techniques in data collection and aggregation. With this demonstration, allowing us to further analyze user consumption’s patterns and predict what the next consumptions will be. Finally, we will visualize the electricity consumption per user in a dashboard to help users understand how good/bad they consume electricity and the prediction of future consumption.